Monday, 17 February 2014

Front Cover Target Audience Feedback

As you can see from above, I created a visual audio video for my target audience feedback. I got a girl named Jhineil Wright who likes the Indie Pop genre which is beneficial to me as my brief is the indie pop genre. I asked her to give me her feedback on my music magazine suggesting what she likes about it and what she doesn't. In the beginning of the video, I asked her what she liked about the magazine from top to bottom and what she might change. She told me that she liked the use of the colour as it is bold and stands out. She also liked the fact that I used the name of the artist on the front cover in bold and that the colour is different to the masthead which creates great effect. However, Jhineil told me that she would change the fact that there were a lot of clear spaces where I have used a lot of white which I need to fill up. Apart from that it is a good magazine front cover.

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