Thursday, 13 February 2014

Masthead And Font Decisions

Above, I looked at different possible fonts I would have as my masthead on the front cover of my music magazine. The yellow one, a lot of my peers weren't too keen on so I decided to change it for the benefit of them and not only that, but most of them are a fan of the indie pop genre which I want to create a magazine for. One of my peers, Kimberley Young, told me to go with something vibrant, but authentic. So I took on board what she had to say and looked at other indie pop magazines. The one that interested me most was a magazine called 'Obsession' with indie pop singer, Lana Del Rey on the front of it. This magazine had a green masthead so I decided to make mine green. I then went back to my teachers and peers and asked them what they thought. The first response that was given is that I'm using more than three colours, unless the extra two were black and white. I then decided to stick to my conventions and make the masthead pink as I got good feedback from my peers.

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