Friday, 17 January 2014

Research Rationale (300 Words)

1. What age group do you have access to?

I have access to mainly teenagers, as I attend a sixth form. Seeing as my target audience will be teenagers, this is beneficial as the age range is from 13-18. My aim is to film students in my sixth form or someone aged between 13-18 outside of school. My reasons for my target audience being aged ranged between 13-18 is that in my previous research for a pop magazine, there was a gap in the market which illustrated that mainly teenagers listened to that type of genre.

2. What types of research will you conduct and why?

The research I will conduct is using a site named survey monkey to find out what genre of music people like. This will then allow me to try and meet my brief as hopefully the people that do the questionnaire will be interested in the music genre I would like to produce for my music magazine. I will also use the internet to research what kind of style or look I want my magazine to achieve. I aim to ask random individuals what style of magazine they like and what genre of music they are in to. This allows me to produce my focus group and then hopefully have a clear idea of what music magazine I want to produce.  

3. What resources will you need?

The resources I will need would be a camera, the internet, an audio microphone so that you can hear what is going on in my focus group. Having a camera will allow me to create my brief a lot more frequently as I will gather the information needed. The internet will allow me to create my survey as I will be using a site named survey monkey which will tally up information for my focus group.

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